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Korean Journal of School Psychology


School Belonging as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Individual and Parental Factors and Academic Achievement of Elementary School Students


School belonging has been studied as a strong and consistent predictor of academic achievement. However, research on school belonging with Korean students is scarce. Moreover, there is no study on the link between school belonging and academic achievement of Korean elementary students. The current study aimed to examine the role of school belonging in academic achievement among Korean elementary school students. Two hundred fifty 5th grade children participated in this study. We measured school belonging as well as individual and family factors that could affect children’s academic achievement. Specifically, conscientiousness and intrinsic motivation were measured as an individual factor, parental involvement in children’s learning was measured as a family factor. We also measured time that students were involved with private learning institutions as a control factor. The results supported our hypotheses. School belonging was positively correlated with academic achievement. School belonging also mediated the link between parental involvement, students’ individual factor of conscientiousness and intrinsic motivation, and academic achievement.

소속감, 학업성취, 부모관여, 성실성, 내적동기, school belonging, academic achievement, elementary school, parental involvement, conscientiousness, intrinsic motivation



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Korean Journal of School Psychology