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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Predictors of the Intention of School Dropout among Middle School Students: The Effects of Childhood Trauma, School Violence, and Psychiatric problems


This study was to investigate the effects of childhood trauma, victimizing and perpetrating of bullying, psychiatric problems and academic achievement stress on intention of school dropout. For this purpose, data was collected from the students of a middle school in a city of Gyeonggi-do. In order to identify the longitudinal effect of childhood trauma and the mediational role of psychiatric problem, bullying and academic stress, we used Structural Equation Modeling. The model confirmed a good fit to the data. Generally, childhood emotional abuse and neglect associated with psychiatric problem in adolescents which resulted in intention of school dropout. Also, childhood emotional abuse associated with victimizing which resulted in the intention. Even though perpetrating and academic stress failed to predict the intention, physical abuse was associated with victimizing and perpetrating and neglect was associated with perpetrating academic stress. We also explored gender difference in path coefficients by multi-sample SEM. The results showed that the paths from neglect to psychiatric problems and from victimizing to intention of dropout were significants only in females. Additionally, the effect of psychiatric problems on intention of dropout was stronger in males. Finally, the results and implications of this study discussed with the stream of previous research.

Intention of school dropout, Middle school students, Childhood trauma, School violence, Academic achievement stress., 학교중퇴 의도, 중학생, 아동기 외상경험, 학교폭력, 학업성적스트레스



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Korean Journal of School Psychology