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Korean Journal of School Psychology


The Relationship between Achievement Goal Orientation, Basic Need Satisfaction, Academic Achievement, and Adjustment of Teachers’ College Students


The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between achievement goal orientation, basic need satisfaction, academic achievement and adjustment of teachers’ college students. The study enrolled 450 College of Education and National University of Education students. The instruments were achievement goal orientation, basic need satisfaction, and adjustment. GPA was the academic achievement of the students at the first semester of 2012. Mastery approach goal orientation had a positive effect on autonomy, competence and relatedness. Mastery- and performance avoidance goal orientations had negative effects on autonomy and competence. Competence had a positive effect on academic achievement, and competence and relatedness had positive effects on adjustment. In the research of mediation effect, mastery approach goal orientation had a positive effect on the academic achievement and adjustment by the mediation of autonomy, competence and relatedness. Mastery avoidance goal orientation had a negative effect on academic achievement by the mediation of autonomy, competence and relatedness. Performance avoidance goal orientation had a negative effect on university adjustment by the mediation of autonomy, competence and relatedness. When the researchers analyzed the discrete factors of the basic need satisfaction, competence played as a mediating variable between achievement goal orientation and academic achievement. In the relationship between achievement goal orientation and adjustment, competence and relatedness played as positive mediating variables between mastery avoidance and adjustment. Implications for the research related to the literatures and suggestions are discussed.

성취목표지향성, 자율성, 유능성, 관계성, 학업성취도, 대학생활적응, Achievement Goal Orientation, Basic Need Satisfaction., Academic Achievement, Adjustment



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Korean Journal of School Psychology