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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Validating the Korean Parental Career-related Behaviors


This study examined the psychometric properties of Parental Career-related Behaviors (Dietrich & Kracke, 2009) in Korean adolescents. The participants were 542 students in middle school and high school. Confirmatory factor analyses, reliability tests, and a multi-group invariance test by gender were conducted. In addition, criterion-related validity was investigated by analyzing the correlation with the Parent Career Behavior Checklist, Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment, and Career Maturity Scale. The results supported the 3-factor structure of support, interference, and lack of engagement proposed by the original measure. Internal consistency also indicated that it was a reliable instrument. A multi-group invariance by gender was satisfied, and a latent mean analysis showed that male adolescents perceived grater interference than female adolescents. Correlation with other parent-related measures indicated that Korean Parental Career-related Behaviors reflected parents’ intervening behaviors targeting adolescents’ career development and measured dimensions that would be differentiated from other instruments. Career maturity was positively related to support and negatively to lack of engagement. The relationship between career maturity and interference was insignificant.

Parental Career-related Behaviors, validation, confirmatory factor analysis, multi-group invariance, latent mean analysis, 부모 진로관련 행동, 타당화, 확인적 요인분석, 잠재평균분석



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Korean Journal of School Psychology