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메뉴This study analyzed to compare the model of the mediated moderating effect with that of the moderated mediation effect to investigate social support’s moderating effect in the relationship among the student misbehavior, teacher efficacy and burnout. The data were gathered from a survey of 243 elementary school teachers in South Korea. 240 questionnaire as the final analysis data that are available were finally selected. The student misbehavior, teacher efficacy, social support, burnout were measured and analyzed by using SPSS 21.0 and SPSS Macro. The results of this study are summarized as follow: First, teacher efficacy mediated the student misbehavior and teacher's burnout. Second, social support demonstrated a significant moderating effect between student misbehavior and teacher efficacy. In other words, mediated moderating effect of social support through teacher efficacy was found. Third, social support didn’t show a significant moderating effect between the teacher efficacy and burnout. Based on the results, researcher suggests practical intervention to prevent elementary school teachers' burnout.
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