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메뉴The purpose of this study was to examine the mediation effect of physical health, parental affection, student-teacher relation, and peer attachment on the development of adolescents’ self-esteem. Three age groups (the first grade, the fourth grade, and the seventh grade) of panel data collected by Korea Children & Young Panel Survey(KCYPS) were used for the analysis. Results indicate that physical health and parental affection mediate the change of self-esteem from the third grade to the fifth grade as well as change from the fifth grade to the seventh grade. Physical health and teacher relation were found to mediate the change of self-esteem from the seventh grade to the ninth grade. On the other hand self-esteem change from the ninth grade to the eleventh grade was mediated by physical health, parental affection, and student-teacher relation. Practical implication for the development of adolescents’ self esteem was discussed.
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