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메뉴The purpose of the study is to develope and validate creative self efficacy scale for college students. Subjects are 671 undergraduates from 4 colleges including 300 male and 371 female students in Korea. To develope creative self-efficacy scale, researchers developed, examined, and revised preliminary items of creative self-efficacy. In the analysis stage exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were performed. In the exploratory stage of factor analysis, two factors were thought as appropriate that were named as creative thinking efficacy and creative performance efficacy by combining scree test and reviews of literatures in creative self-efficacy. After that, researchers examined confirmatory factor analysis of creative self-efficacy factors by comparing with another group of college students. Based on that, the fits of research modeling were same with another group which meant that the model used in the research group could generalize to other college students. By the result of the study, 9 items of creative thinking self-efficacy and 11 items of creative performance self-efficacy items were selected. In addition to it, when the researchers examined the reliability of test, Cronbach α for creative thinking self-efficacy was .908, creative performance self efficacy was .900, and total creative self-efficacy was .944. This study has implication on developing and validating creative self-efficacy scale for college students. With reference to the result of the study, researchers discussed results with related researches, and suggested theoretical and practical implications.
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