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메뉴The purpose of this study was to identify the mediating effects of socially prescribed perfectionism and fear of failure on the relation between paternal or maternal psychological control and academic procrastination. The self-report survey data of 640 middle school students were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. The results indicated in both paternal and maternal models, socially prescribed perfectionism and fear of failure mediated the relation between paternal or maternal psychological control and academic procrastination respectively. The dual-mediating effects of socially prescribed perfectionism and fear of failure were also statistically significant. In other words, parental psychological control contributed to adolescents’ academic procrastination by increasing socially prescribed perfectionism or fear of failure. Futhermore, youth with strong socially prescribed perfectionism have more fear of failure which in turn influenced their procrastination. However, two models differed in that only paternal psychological control directly predicted academic procrastination. Effective intervention strategies for academic procrastination as well as implications of the findings were discussed.
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