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메뉴The purpose of this study was to investigate leaving school and then process of life of vulnerable families out-of-school youths through encounter out-of-school youths supporting project. We applied Rennie's hermeneutic grounded theory methodology for this study to integrally analyze in and out school, psychiatric characteristics, and recovery processes of life. This study analysis was constructed based on 137 meaning units, 30 subordinate categories, 9 hermeneutic categories. The core category and process analysis were conducted. Based on the result of the study, first, we found that out-of-school youths had life cycle of undergoing repeated difficulty in the critical period which played a vital role in their development and growth at school, at home and in a world. Second, this study showed that their healing and growing occurred through the second prenatal period in which they modified the orbit of life cycle supported by out-of-school youths supporting center and counselors' effective interventions and support. And finally, vulnerable families out-of-school youths were sustained learning and grew continually to raise their living foundation in a world out of school. This research could serve as a continual, specific exploration for the life circumstances and its recovery process of out-of-school youths in vulnerable families and understand their growing process through the interventions of social capital, out-of-school youths supporting project. Based on this study, we suggest basis data for practical and political support and prevention of school dropout to youths of vulnerable families with difficulties in and out school.
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