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메뉴There is a paucity of reliable and valid measures of adolescents’ self-consciousness. The purpose of this study was to test the reliability and validity of Takishima-Lacasa et al.’s Revised Self-Consciousness Scale for Children (R-SCS-C) in Korean adolescents. First, the R-SCS-C was translated into Korean, pilot items were administered to three 7th graders, and items were modified with the help of three professionals (a school psychologist, an elementary school teacher, and a middle school English teacher). Second, the final form of the R-SCS-C was administered to 1,150 students in Grades 5 to 9 (542 boys, 608 girls). Data were analyzed through exploratory factor analyses, confirmatory factor analyses, correlational analyses, and analyses of variances. The results of the exploratory factor analyses yielded three factors (public self-consciousness, private self-consciousness, social anxiety), which were also identified in previous studies. After one cross-loaded item was removed, the Self-Consciousness Scale for Adolescents was composed of 28 items. Confirmatory factor analyses revealed that the three-factor model has a resonable fit to the observed data. Also, internal consistency and split-half reliabilities of the Self-Consciousness Scale for Korean Adolescents were high. Grade-related and gender differences in the overall self-consciousness and the three subscales were all significant. Self-consciousness of middle school students was higher than that of elementary school students, and girls reported higher self-consciousness than did boys. The concurrent evidence of the Self-Consciousness Scale for Korean Adolescents was supported through statistically significant correlations between its subscale scores and the subscale scores of Fenigstein et al.’s Self-Consciousness Scale. In addition, the convergent and discriminant evidence of the Self-Consciousness Scale for Korean Adolescents was supported through significant correlations between the three factors of the Self-Consciousness Scale for Korean Adolescents and social anxiety, depression, satisfaction with life, positive affect, and negative affect. Such findings imply that the Self-Consciousness Scale for Korean Adolescents be a reliable and valid measure and be useful for school psychological practices of understanding and assessing Korean adolescents’ self-consciousness.
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