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Korean Journal of School Psychology


The Effect of Friendship Jealousy on Relational Aggression of Early Adolescents:focused on the moderating effect of locus of control and self-efficacy


The present study examined the effects of friendship jealousy on relational aggression of early adolescents and addressed the question as to whether locus of control and self-efficacy had any moderating effect upon the relationship between friendship jealousy and relational aggression. The participants of this study consisted 570 students(6th grade, 276 boys & 294 girls) from elementary schools located in Seoul and Gyeounggi province. It was measured with Friendship Jealousy Questionnaire(Parker & Low, 1999), Locus of Control Scales (Levenson, 1981), Self-Efficacy Scales(Cha, J. E., Kim, A. Y., 1996). The Peer Conflict Scale(Marsee, Komonis, & Frick, 2004) was used to measure the level of relational aggression. Statistical analyses of data used for this study comprised the following methods; frequency, mean, standard deviation, and hierarchical regression. The results indicated that the level of friendship jealousy and external locus of control of elemantary school students increased the level of relational aggression whereas the level of self-efficacy decreased the level of relational aggression. In addition, external locus of control and self-efficacy moderated the effects of friendship jealousy on relational aggression whereas internal locus of control did not.

early adolescents, friendship jealousy, relational aggression, locus of control, self-efficacy, 초기 청소년기, 우정관계 질투, 관계적 공격성, 귀인성향, 자기효능감



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Korean Journal of School Psychology