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메뉴The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating effects of mindfulness between high school girls’ perfectionism and test anxiety. The subjects of this study were 396 first, second and third grade girl students in high school located in Incheon. They were assessed by the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS), Multi-factor Mindfulness Scale for Adolescents (MMSA) and Test Anxiety Inventory-Korea (TAI-K). The collected data was analyzed using Pearson’s correlation analysis and hierarchical regression. The results which were significant in hierarchical regression were analyzed by using simple slope analysis. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, as the adaptive perfectionism and maladaptive perfectionism were increased, the level of test anxiety was increased. As the mindfulness was increased, the level of test anxiety was decreased. Second, the moderating effect of the mindfulness on the relationship between high school girls’ adaptive perfectionism and test anxiety was significant. In contrast, the moderating effect of the mindfulness on the maladaptive perfectionism and test anxiety was not significant. In conclusion, this study confirmed the important role of high school girls’ mindfulness to decrease test anxiety.
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