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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Meta-Analysis on Variables Related to Career Preparation Behavior among College Students


The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the previous research on career preparation behavior among college students. The meta-analysis was used to analyze dissertations and academic journals published in Korea from the year of 2000 to 2015 which dealt the variables of college students' career preparation behavior. Main results of this study were as follows: First, 19 variables were extracted from 5 variable groups based on social cognitive career theory which were individual variables, proximate context variables, self-efficacy variables, target variables and self-concept variables. Second, the most influential variable group was self-efficacy variables, which was followed by self-concept variables, target variables, individual variables and proximate context variables. Third, the most influential variable was career decision self-efficacy. Also resilience showed a large effect size. The effects of hope, self-identity, self-efficacy, career decision level, social support, parent support, and career barriers were moderate. Limitations to the current study and recommendations for future research were discussed.

대학생, 진로준비행동, 메타분석, 사회인지진로이론, college students, career preparation behavior, meta-analysis



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Korean Journal of School Psychology