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메뉴The purpose of the present study was to examine whether perfectionistic self-presentation and rejection sensitivity mediated the relationship between socially prescribed perfectionism and interpersonal satisfaction. For this sutdy, 251 university students completed the questionnaire that consists of the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (HMPS), Perfectionistic Self-Presentation Scale - Korean version (PSPS-K), Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire (RSQ), Scale of Interpersonal Satisfaction. Using structural equation modeling, the results indicated that perfectionistic self-presentation and rejection sensitivity mediated the relation between socially prescribed perfectionism and Interpersonal satisfaction. In addition, the fully-mediated model seems to be the best model to account for the relationships among the study variables. Findings of this study suggest that when working with clients who present with relationship issues, counselors would explore their perfectionistic traits and assist them in modify their coping strategies or cognitive-emotional responses to interpersonal situations. Limitations of this study and implications for future research are discussed.
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