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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Validation of the Korean Version of the Willingness to Career Compromise Scale for College Students


This study validated the Willingness to Career Compromise scale measuring the individual differences in the tendency of career compromise with Korean college students. Specifically, the factor structure, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and criterion-related validity with career variables were examined. In addition, we investigated the measurement invariance and latent means between men and women. A total of 456 male and female college students participated, and 368 participants returned for test-retest reliability in 6 months. They completed an online survey consisting of the Korean translation of the Willingness to Career Compromise scale, career compromise scale for college students, career compromise scale for unemployed youths, career value discrepancy scale, and career adaptability scale. The results supported one factor structure with an exception of one item. The results also provided the evidence for internal consistency and test-restest reliability. Testing measurement invariance yielded configural, metric, partial scalar invariances across genders. Women reported a higher latent mean than men. Moreover, the Willingness to Career Compromise scale was positively related to two types of career compromise measures, and negatively with internal value discrepancy, career aspiration and career adaptability. This study indicates that the psychometric properties of the Korean Willingness to Career Compromise scale are similar to those of the original scale in general, and it is appropriate for being used across genders.

Willingness to Career Compromise, scale validation, reliability, validity, measurement invariance, latent mean analysis, 진로타협 경향성, 척도 타당화, 신뢰도, 타당도, 측정모형동일성, 잠재평균분석



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Korean Journal of School Psychology