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메뉴The purpose of the study was to validate The Situational Self-Awareness Scale (SSAS) developed by Govern & Marsch (2001) which measure spontaneously occurring fluctuations in self-awareness. The preliminary scale was administered to 265 college students (Sample 1) and 9 items with 3 factors were extracted as follows; private self-awareness, public self-awareness, and environmental self-awareness. K-SSAS was verified its reliability and validity. The internal consistency and item-total score correlation coefficient of K-SASS were satisfactory. K-SSAS was found to be significant in correlation with similar measures and was confirmed that it had an appropriate level of construct validity. In order to verify the structural fit, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted using data collected from 310 college students (Sample 2) and a three-factor model of K-SSAS was supported. In addition, 2 quasi-experimental studies was conducted in order to verify the specificity of the scale to measure the state-like construct. These results suggest that K-SSAS can be used for measuring changes in situational self-awareness in counseling, psychotherapy, and educational intervention. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study were discussed.
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