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Korean Journal of School Psychology


The Effects of Mother’s Self-differentiation on the Child’s Friendship Quality through Child’s Self-differentiation and Mother-child Relationships


The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between mother’s self-differentiation and child’s friendship quality, mediated by child’s self-differentiation and mother-child relationships. Participants were recruited from 48 elementary schools in G city, and the fifth and sixth grade students and their mother were asked to participate in a survey. Students completed the questionnaires on child’s self-differentiation, mother-child relationships, and friendship quality. Mothers completed the questionnaire on mother’s self-differentiation. Data from 490 pairs were analyzed using correlation analyses and structural equation modeling. The results of the current study were as follows; First, the relation between mother’s self-differentiation and child’s friendship quality was mediated by child’s self-differentiation. In addition, the relation between mother’s self-differentiation and child’s friendship quality was serially mediated by child’s self-differentiation and mother-child relationships. Therefore, developing various programs to improve mother’s self-differentiation, child’s self-differentiation, and mother-child relationships may help students to build good relationships with their peers.

모 자아분화, 자녀 자아분화, 모-자녀관계, 또래관계 질, 초등학생, mother’s self-differentiation, child’s self-differentiation, mother-child relationships, friendship quality, elementary school students



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Korean Journal of School Psychology