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메뉴The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between gratitude and altruistic behavior and mediating effect of social connectedness and social responsibility. For this purpose, questionnaires survey was conducted on 386 college students using Korean version of the Gratitude Questionnaire(K-GQ-6), Altruistic behavior scale, The Social Connectedness and the Social Assurance Scale, and Social Responsibility subscale in Character Strengths Test(CST). Collected data were analyzed by using a structural equation model. The result of this study were as follows. First, the finding in a correlation analysis indicated that gratitude, social connectedness, social responsibility, altruistic behavior were positively correlated. Second, Social connectedness showed partial mediating effect in relation between gratitude and altruistic behavior. Third, Social connectedness and Social responsibility showed partial sequential mediating effect in relation between gratitude and altruistic behavior. In conclusion, implications for counseling, limitations of the study and suggestions for future research were discuss.
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