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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Analyses of Environmental and Psychological Factors for Academic Hatred: Focusing on the Senior Students in Korean High Schools


This study is to verify relative influence of individual, parent, peer, teacher-related variables as protective factors and risk factors of academic hatred. Surveys were conducted with 1,015 (women, 57.3%) high school third grade students across eight schools where are located in Seoul, Incheon, and Geyonggi province. Correlation analysis and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were performed. The findings are summarized as follows. Teacher’s academic pressure did not have significant correlation with student’s basic psychological needs, teacher’s autonomy support, teacher’s support, and peer support whereas other variables showed significant correlation each others. The hierarchical multiple regression analysis indicated that student’s individual competence and autonomy, parent’s academic support, and teacher’s emotional support work as protective factors and that parent’s academic pressure functions as a risk factor. The effects of peer support disappeared when teacher-related factors were included. In addition, the effects of teacher’s autonomy support disappeared, while the effects of teacher’s support strengthened when learner’s basic psychological needs were input. This study is meaningful in that it clarified academic hatred which had not been studied in other research and that it provided theoretical foundation for subsequent studies on academic hatred by examining relative influence of related variables. Lastly, it presented its limitation, implications on intervening strategies in school counseling, and suggestions for later studies.

학업감정, 학업정서, 기본심리적욕구, 학업압력, 학업지지, 교우지지, 자율성지지, academic emotion, basic psychological needs, academic pressure, academic support, peer support, autonomy support



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Korean Journal of School Psychology