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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Effects of the Group Coaching Program for the Promotion of Growth Orientation for University Students on Growth Orientation, Life Satisfaction, Perceived Stress, Positive Psychological Capital and Interpersonal Relationships: Based on the Model of the Social-Cognitive Approach to Motivation


The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of growth orientation, life satisfaction, perceived stress, positive psychological capital and interpersonal relationships in the group coaching program for the promotion of growth orientation for university students based on the model of the social-cognitive approach to motivation. The program consisted of eight topics: growth orientation, growth mindset and brain plasticity, self-directed goal setting, talent which is a product of ongoing effort, failure attitude and perspective change, positive emotion, thinking and behavior, value of growth orientation and self-coaching, respectively. The program comprised a total of eight sessions, 120 minutes each, and the final program was completed through a preliminary experiment with three university students. In order to verify the effectiveness of the program, 48 university students were divided into 16 in the experimental group, 16 in the comparative group, and 16 in the control group. The experimental group participated in the group coaching program to enhance the growth orientation based on the model of the social-cognitive approach to motivation developed in this study, the comparative group participated in a learning goal orientation improvement program based on an incremental implicit theory, and the control group did not carry out any program. Three groups were tested in pre, post, follow-up1(after 1 month) and follow-up2(after 3 months) in order to growth orientation, life satisfaction, perceived stress, positive psychological capital and interpersonal relationships. We performed analysis to confirm the homogeneity to the data of the three groups and to verify the interaction effects between times and groups. As a result, it was confirmed that the group coaching program to promote growth orientation, life satisfaction, perceived stress, positive psychological capital and interpersonal relationships had statistically significant effect and was more effective than the comparative program due to the larger effective size. Also, we confirmed that the coaching effect was sustained after the program was finished and more effectively maintained than the comparative program. Based on the results of this study, this study has academic implications because it verify the effectiveness of the group coaching for the promotion of the growth orientation by scientic method.

growth orientation, growth mindset, social-cognitive approach to motivation, group coaching



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Korean Journal of School Psychology