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메뉴This study explored the lived experiences of high school students who experienced a norm-referenced evaluation with the Naesin system. The participants were 15 high school students who resided in the areas of Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Busan. This study adopted a phenomenological research method, which is developed by Giorgi. The study resulted in 370 meaning units, 71 summaries of meaning units, 26 sub-constituents, and 9 constituents. The results showed that participants experienced their relationships with classmates were centered around competitions and they experienced the sense of repeated frustration with their academic goals. Participants perceived that their personal values equated with their academic rankings and they anticipated academic rankings becoming their future social rankings. Low rankings with good performance, learning for exam, and unfair treatment in school made them realize that the education is not for learning but for differentiating students. Participants have found the ways to know better about reality and self-regulated their thoughts and emotions. Further, this study identified resilient aspects of the participants such as support from parents and teachers and hopeful thoughts. This study discussed the meaning of the findings and implications of the findings.
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