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메뉴The purpose of this study was to develop a program that reduces adolescent delinquency and enhances adolescents’ social problem-solving, emotional regulation, and self-control skills and to assess the effectiveness of the program. The program was administered in the form of a role-playing game (“RPG”) to increase the participants’ motivation to participate in and the effectiveness of the therapy. The subjects in this study were 36 adolescents who engaged in delinquent behavior and their 18 homeroom teachers in middle schools located in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. The subjects were randomly assigned to the experimental group or the comparison group. The experimental group received the proposed RPG-based cognitive behavioral group therapy while comparison group received problem-solving group therapy. Teachers in the experimental group were educated about how to guide their students following each therapy session while teachers in the comparison group did not receive any education. The dependent variables in this study were incidences of delinquent behavior and social problem-solving, emotional regulation, and self–control skill level. Each variable was assessed before treatment, immediately after the end of the full treatment program, and two months after the end of the full treatment program. At the end of the full treatment program, the experimental group engaged statistically significantly in fewer delinquent behaviors and displayed statistically significantly higher levels of social problem-solving, emotional regulation, and self–control skills than the comparison group. These differences persisted until the assessment two months after the end of the full treatment program. Moreover, the experimental group reported higher levels of satisfaction with the treatment program than the comparison group. The findings of this study suggest that this RPG-based cognitive behavioral group therapy program is effective at reducing adolescent delinquency, improving adolescents’ social and emotional management techniques and strategies for avoiding delinquency, and in motivating delinquent adolescents to engage more actively in treatment.
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