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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Pathway barricade from peer bullying victim experience to bystander’s negative behavior: Teacher’s role in classroom


This study aimed to investigate how teacher’s attitude toward violence affect students who experienced bullying victim in their role in making peer-to-peer violence deepen, and how students who experienced the bullying victim react to show aggression, and the aggression is blocked by teacher’s attitude toward violence, resulting in decrease of doing the bystander’s negative behavior. By conducing this study, this study ultimately aimed to ensure that the teacher’s attitude toward violence is very important in preventing peer bullying in the classroom. To achieve this aims, this study conducted a survey of 820 fourth, fifth and sixth graders in 40 classes at 10 elementary schools and limited only 365 of the respondents who reported experiencing peer bullying victim. This study utilized the structural equation modeling method to analyze the data. The results were as follows. First, it showed that the lower the bystander’s negative behavior in victims who experienced peer bullying, and the lower the responsive aggression reacted from the peer bullying, when the teacher shows an unacceptable attitude toward violence. Teacher’s attitude toward violence also appears to affect peer bystander’s negative behavior by mediating peer bullying victim’s reactive aggression, indicating that the teacher’s attitude toward classroom violence may reduce the aggression of students from the experience of victimization, and consequently prevent the classroom from becoming more leprosy by reducing peer bullying.

peer bullying victim, bystander’s behavior, reactive aggression, teacher’s attitude toward violence, 또래괴롭힘, 방관행동, 동조행동, 반응적 공격성, 교사의 폭력허용도



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Korean Journal of School Psychology