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메뉴The purpose of this study was to test the effects of reality therapy group program on improvement of self-esteem and coping behavior on problems for students with both victims and offenders experience in school. The subject of this study was 20 high school students in Daegu city. The students were randomly assigned by ten separated into experimental group and control group. The experimental group took part in program once in a week and total 8 weeks, but the control group did not measure anything at all. As a results of this study, the self-esteem and coping behavior on problems of students in the experimental group was far more improved than that of students in the control group. Therefore reality therapy group program appeared to have positive effects on the improvement of self-esteem and coping behavior on problems for students with both victims and offenders experience in school. This study was the first research into the relationship between reality therapy and students who have been both victims and offenders of school violence and have great significance for the application of the reality therapy group program.
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