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Korean Journal of School Psychology


The Mediating Effects of Cognitive Factor on the Relationships between Female Adolescent’s Depression and Somatization


The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effects of cognitive factor, which were somato-sensory amplification, somatic attribution and self-focused attention, on the relationships between female adolescent's depression and somatization. The subjects of this study were 544 students in the 1st and 2nd grade in high schools located in Gwangju. They were assessed by The Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale(CES-D), Korean Children's Somatization Inventory, Korean Versions of Somatosensory Amplification Scale, Symptom Interpretation Questionnaire and Self-consciousness Scale. The results were as follows: First, female adolescent's depression had a significant on total score of somatization. Second, cognitive facts, which were somato-sensory amplification, somatic attribution and self-focused attention, had significant effects on somatization. Third, somato-sensory amplification partially mediated the relationships between female adolescent's depression and somatization. Fourth, somatic attribution parlially mediated the associiations between female adolescent's depression and somatization.. Last, self-focused attention did not show mediating effects between female adolescent's depression and somatization. The results suggested that somato-sensory amplification and somatic attribution were proved to have the mediating effects between female adolescent's depression and somatization.

여자 청소년, 우울증상, 신체화 증상, 신체감각 증폭지각, 신체적 귀인, 자기초점주의, female adolescent, depression, somatization, somato-sensory amplification, somatic attribution and self-focused attention



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Korean Journal of School Psychology