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메뉴The present study was conducted to examine the reliability and validity of the Korean Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale for Children(DAS-C), which was developed to measure cognitive vulnerability of depression in childhood. Participants of the study were 763 children in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade at 2 elementary schools in D City. Results showed that the Korean DAS-C is consisted of 2 factors: Self-Critical Perfectionism(SCP) and Personal Standards Perfectionism(PSP). Results also indicated that the Korean DAS-C and its subscales were significantly correlated with such variables as stress, depression, and anxiety. Internal consistency of the Korean DAS-C was found to be adequate, and the test-retest reliability(.79) indicated temporal stability of the scale. The current study explored whether the Korean DAS-C scores differed depending on children's gender, grade, and depression level. Results showed that 6th graders received a higher score on SCP than 4th graders. In addition, children in the depressed group showed higher scores on all DAS-C subscales, especially on the SCP, compared to those in the nondepressed group.
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