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메뉴The purpose of the present study is to verify the validity of Ego State Scale through analyzing the correlation between Ego State Scale and Lim's Character Style Inventory (LCSI) Personality Test. For this purpose a survey was conducted for 1,073 students attending middle and high schools in Busan metropolitan city. The results of this study are as follows. First, five factors of ego state which consists of CP, NP, A, FC, and AC showed difference in average between boy and girl students as well as middle and high school students. But there was no difference between students attending general and technical high school. Girl students showed high average in NP and FC in comparison with A, AC and CP, which appear 'M' in ego gram. Second, CP showed high positive co CP showed h with challenge, no CP showed h with sociability and prudence, and negative co CP shoed h with acceptability and stability. According to these results, most students in middle and high school catagorized into M type with high FC and NP. Therefore, they are thought to be emotional, sensible, and warm-harted but insufficient of logical thinking. In conclusion, the correlation between Ego State Scale and LCSI Personality Test indicates high validity of Ego State Scale. In addition, the limitations of the study and possible follow-up projects are proposed in the conclusion section.
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