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Korean Journal of School Psychology


The Mediating Effects of shame in the Relationships between Adolescents' narcissism and depression


The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effects of shame in the relationships between adolescents' narcissism and depression. The subjects were 674 high school students in grades 1 through 3 in kyung gi province. They were assessed by The Narcisstic Personality Inventory, The Narcisstic Personality Disorder Scale, The Internalized Shame Scale, and The Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. The results were as follows: First, adolescents' depression and overt narcissism showed a significant negative correlation. However, adolescents' depression and covert narcissism showed a significant positive correlation. Second, both adolescents' overt and covert narcissism had a significant effects on adolescents' depression. However, the effect of covert narcissism on adolescents' depression was relatively bigger than overt narcissism. Third, both adolescents' overt and covert narcissism had a significant effects on shame. However, the effect of covert narcissism on shame was relatively bigger than overt narcissism. Fourth, shame mediated the relationship between adolescents' overt and covert narcissism. Among adolescents' over narcissism, shame mediated partly superiority and authority to depression. However, shame did not mediated entitlement and depression. And shame mediated completely the relationship between self-praise and depression. Among adolescents' covert narcissism, exaggerated self-perception, selft-greatness, and egocentrism are mediated completely by shame. The results suggested that shame was proved to have the mediating effects between adolescents' narcissism and depression.

Narcissism, Shame, Depression, 우울증상, 자기애, 수치심



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Korean Journal of School Psychology