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메뉴The purposes of this research are: to observe the related variables; to compare the effect size; and make suggestions for leadership selection by admission officer system based on the results from the observation and comparison through meta analysis. The research questions crafted in order to achieve the purpose are as follows. First, what kind of variables were discussed in the previous studies? and can these variables be classified as the categories of the existing studies? Second, how are the effect sizes of the youth leadership related variable groups? Third, how are the effect sizes of sub factors of the related variable groups? The specific results of this research are as follows. First, youth leadership related variables can be classified as demographic, organization-activities, home environment and sociopsychological variables. Second, sociopshycological variable group shows the largest effect size. Third, among the sub factors, self esteems (ES=1.3231) and degree of satisfaction for life (ES=1.1737) show two largest effect sizes. In conclusion, based on the result of the research, this research suggests an alternative for a method to select students through admission counseling leadership selection system.
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