In a group of 353 elementary students, the present study examined the moderation effects of prosocial behaviors and social competence in the relations between overt/relational aggression and peer status (social preference and perceived popularity). The results indicate that both overt aggression and relational aggression lowered social preference regardless of gender. Prosocial behaviors and social competence did not buffer the negative influence of aggression on social preference. Among boys, overt aggression was a significant predictor of increased perceived popularity. Although inconsistent, relational aggression also predicted boys' perceived popularity. However, among girls, relational aggression, not overt aggression, was associated with perceived popularity. The moderation effects of prosocial behaviors and social competence were significant only among boys. In other words, boys' aggression, although it lowers social preference, contributes to their social influence and dominance when it is effectively combined with positive characteristics. It is necessary to develop new intervention strategies which reflect the adaptive function of aggression within peer groups.
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