This study was to develop a school dropout academic re-entry group counseling program and verify the effect of the program. The program was developed based on the research data that the majority of school dropouts' number one priority is school re-entry. For the purpose of this study, previous research on the characteristics of school dropout youth and domestic and foreign school dropout intervention programs were analyzed. The program development was performed as follows. First, to collect the basic information on program development, a claim inquiry was made to experienced school dropout counselors. Then cyber case study on school dropout youths were analyzed and in-depth interview and focus group interview were conducted of youths who successfully returned to formal education or pass the GED exam. To generate the constituting principle and components of the program, the results of the interview were anlayzed. Based on the results, 12 session program was developed. The program was consisted of the exploration of the past(why they dropout and what happens when they do), exploration of present life and the life challenges, the development of future perspective and motivation for school re-entry, and education on life management strategy which helps youths' school returning. This program was designed to develop youths' coping skill and other resources that support youths' school re-entry adjustment process. 9 youth counseling centers were enlisted to participate, and 108 youths participated in the program. The participants were divided into two groups, such as experimental group and control group (waiting group), and then were tested to verify the effectiveness of the program. The control group was also exposed to the program with time interval. Based on the pretests and follow-up tests, it was revealed that the program fostered school dropouts' external academic motivation, supportive environment, goal, and social self-efficacy. In a reality that youths return to school without any preparation and consequently drop out of school again, both usability in the field and the effectiveness of the program were discussed. The limitation of this study was also discussed.
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