- P-ISSN 1225-0163
- E-ISSN 2288-8985
The detection efficiencies of the several solid track detectors were investigated for the determination of boron content in aqueous solution by using the alpha muti-Radioisotope(RI) source. Polycarbonate (Lexan and CR-39) and cellulose nitrate (CN-85 and LR-115) were selected as materials for alpha track detection of boron. Alpha muti-RI source, uranium metal particles and boron standard solution were used for alpha emission. In this study, four solid track detectors(CN-85, LR-115, Lexan and CR-39) were characterized under various etching conditions as well as neutron irradiation conditions. As a result, the CN-85 was turned out to be best to provide good efficiency among the four detectors. The selected solid track detector was utilized for the determination of trace amount of boron in aqueous sample and its results were discussed in the text.
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