- P-ISSN 1225-0163
- E-ISSN 2288-8985
<TEX>$Li_2B_4O_7$</TEX> and <TEX>$Na_2B_4O_7$</TEX> were synthesized with boron isotopic standard material for the measurement of boron isotopes of positive ions (PTIMS) such as <TEX>$Li_2BO_2{^+}$</TEX> (mass 56, 57) and <TEX>$Na_2BO_2{^+}$</TEX> (mass 88, 89) instead of boron mass 10 and 11. The negative ions (NTIMS) such as <TEX>$^{10}BO_2{^-}$</TEX> and <TEX>$^{11}BO_2{^-}$</TEX>(mass 42와 43) were also measured with the same boron isotopic standard material. The precision and accuracy were compared between each method, and prescan of isobaric effect was studied. Good result was obtained from NTIMS method which provided the stable and enough peak intensities with good precision and accuracy. The measurement of boron isotopes were performed in ground water sample with about 8 ng-B (<TEX>$5{\mu}L$</TEX> sample solution) obtained from IAEA for international inter-comparison analysis. The standard deviation was found to be 0.03%. Boron content of this ground water was measured using the NTIMS-IDMS. The result was <TEX>$1.65{\pm}0.003ug-B/mL$</TEX> which was better precision compared to the ICP-AES result.
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(2003) IAEA 지하수성분분석 비교시험,