• P-ISSN1225-0163
  • E-ISSN2288-8985

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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

The age dating for an archaeological sample using pre-dose effect

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
2005, v.18 no.4, pp.329-337

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TL dating using pre-dose effect is concerned with the sensitivity increase of <TEX>$110^{\circ}C$</TEX> TL peak in quartz following the pre-exposure of irradiation (pre-dose) in antiquity and heating to thermal activation temperature. Using the multiple activation (MA) method for determining an equivalent dose, the activation temperature was selected to <TEX>$500^{\circ}C$</TEX> and the region of interest was selected from <TEX>$85^{\circ}C$</TEX> to <TEX>$105^{\circ}C$</TEX> on quartz sample from archaeological remains, roof-tile kiln. which was excavated at Chudong-Ri cultural site. It was concluded that the resultant date was determined to the age of <TEX>$1725{\pm}25years$</TEX> AD (l <TEX>${\sigma}$</TEX> SD), which had more improved precision considering with e radiocarbon dates and was in good agreement with the age derived by archaeological assessment. Also it was concluded that the pre-dose dating should contribute significantly to future archaeological dating work in the range of the last 2000 years.

Pre-dose dating, MA method, TAC, Kiln

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Analytical Science and Technology