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Instruction for Authors

The journal “CELLMED” was officially registered as an accredited KCI journal by the NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea) since 2021.


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Instruction for Authors


All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by our international editorial board members and specialists to ensure the quality and fairness.



CELLMED is an online, open access journal.



The electronic international standard serial number (EISSN) is 2233-8985


4. The journal is published quarterly on the last days of February, May, August, and November by COMPA.


5. Preparation of Manuscripts

CELLMED is read by modern man from diverse backgrounds. Many are not native English speakers. Authors should therefore give careful thought to how their findings may be communicated clearly. Abbreviations, particularly those that are not standard, should also be kept to a minimum. The background, rationale and main conclusions of the study should be clearly explained. Titles and abstracts in particular should be written in language that will be readily intelligible to any modern people.

Your article file should be submitted in an editable MS Word file format (.DOC or DOCX).


  • Original article

An article is a novel research study. The main text (excluding abstract, materials and methods, references, and figure legends) is no limitation, 3000~4000 words recommended. Articles have a maximum of 10 display items (figures and/or tables).

  • Case report

We consider clear and interesting clinical results. Authors must obtain signed informed consent from the patient.

  • Brief communication

Manuscripts describing focused studies that are concise and of high impact to a field will be published as Brief communications. This format is intended for the presentation of scientifically sound and novel research in a clear and concise fashion neither Review nor Original Article. The body of the paper should not exceed nine (9) pages of double-spaced text without references. Tables and Figures must also be kept to a minimum (no more than four). Formatting should otherwise follow the requirements for Original Article.

  • Review

Review (including Letters) published in the Journal are invited by the Editors to correlate with features, themes, visions, and highlights.


5.1 Organization of the manuscript

Most articles published in CELLMED will be organized into the following sections: title, authors, affiliations, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, conflict of interest, references, figure legends, and tables. Uniformity in format will help readers and users of the journal.

  • Title (150 characters, including spaces) 

The title should be specific to the study yet concise, and should allow sensitive and specific electronic retrieval of the article. It should be comprehensible to readers outside your field. Please also provide a brief "running head".

  • Authors' names and affiliations

The full names and affiliations should be provided for all authors. The corresponding author should also provide a full postal address, telephone, and fax number (including country code), and an e-mail address as a footnote on the title page. We will never amend or correct these sections, please check carefully.

  • Abstract

The abstract should be less than 250 words in length and summarize the question being addressed and the pertinent findings. The abstract should be clear and concise enough for the reader to understand the content before reading the main contents of the article. Do not repeat the exact sentence in the entire paper and include content unrelated to the text or other people's findings (reference).

  • Keywords

A maximum of seven keywords should be selected.

  • Text

The manuscript should be written in clear and concise English and Korean. The manuscript written in Korean must include title, authors' information, abstract and keyword both in Korean and English. The text should be organized in sections as follows: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion. Each section should begin on a new page. The main conclusion of the study may be presented in a short Conclusion section, which may stand alone or form a subsection of Discussion section.

  • Acknowledgements 

In this section authors may acknowledge the assistance of people who do not meet criteria of authors. Financial and material support may be acknowledged in this section.

  • Conflict of interest

All authors must disclose any commercial affiliations or consultancies, stock or equity interests, or patent-licensing arrangements that could be considered to pose a conflict of interest regarding the submitted manuscript. Potential conflicts of interest must be described in the Acknowledgements section. If there are no potential financial conflicts of interest, please add the following statement to the section: "The authors have no conflicting financial interests." All funding sources, institutional and corporate, should be credited in the Acknowledgments section.

  • References

When cited in the text, reference numbers are superscript, not in brackets. The Citation style below is the Endnote Nature type.

 - Please use the following style for references:

Journal publication:

Deuse T, Hua X, Wang D, Maegdefessel L, Heeren J, Scheja L, Bolaños JP, Rakovic A, Spin JM, Stubbendorff M, Ikeno F, Länger F, Zeller T, Schulte-Uentrop L, Stoehr A, Itagaki R, Haddad F, Eschenhagen T, Blankenberg S, Kiefmann R, Reichenspurner H, Velden J, Klein C, Yeung A, Robbins RC, Tsao PS, Schrepfer S. Dichloroacetate prevents restenosis in preclinical animal models of vessel injury. Nature. 2014;509:641-644. 

Article in a book:

King SM. Dynein motors: Structure, mechanochemistry and regulation. In Molecular Motors. Schliwa M ed. (Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH), pp. 45–78, 2003.

An entire book:

Cowan WM, Jessell TM, Zipursky SL. Molecular and Cellular Approaches to Neural Development. (New York, USA: Oxford University Press), 1997.


Mantok C. Multiple Usage of Green Papaya in Healing at Tao Garden. Tao Garden Health spa & Resort. Thailand. 2005. Available at: www.tao-garden.com (accessed on 20th March 2013).

Journal abbreviations source: 

Journal names should be abbreviated according to the List of Title Word Abbreviations:



  • Abbreviation

The full term should be spelled out at the first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. The abbreviation should be used consistently thereafter.  

  • Figures

If illustrations appear in the manuscript, they must be submitted in electronic format along with the rest of the manuscript. Each figure should be submitted as a separate electronic file, and should not be inserted into the file containing the text of the manuscript. For publication, we can only use TIFF, JPEG or postscript (ps) files in PC or Macintosh format, from either PhotoShop or Illustrator software. We cannot accept Freehand, Canvas, PowerPoint, CorelDRAW or MacDrawPro files. These files must be converted to postscript (ps) format.

  • Figure Legends

The aim of the figure legend should be to describe the key messages of the figure, but the figure should also be discussed in the text. An enlarged version of the figure and its full legend will often be viewed in a separate window online, and it should be possible for a reader to understand the figure without switching back and forth between this window and the relevant parts of the text. Each legend should have a concise title of no more than 20 words. The legend itself should be succinct, while still explaining all symbols and abbreviations. Avoid lengthy descriptions of methods.

  • Tables

Please submit tables in Word format at the end of your text document.



  • Online submission

We clearly prefer to receive manuscripts via our online submission system at https://acoms.kisti.re.kr/journal/intro.do?page=logo&journalSeq=J000027 Using this system, authors can upload manuscript files (cover letter, text, and figures) directly to our office and check on the status of their manuscripts during the review process. Please do not submit revisions as new manuscripts.

  • Submission policies

Submission to CELLMED is taken to imply that there is no significant overlap between the submitted manuscript and any other papers from the same authors under consideration or in press elsewhere. The authors must include copies of all related manuscripts with any overlap in authorship that are under consideration or in press elsewhere.

The primary affiliation for each author should be the institution where the majority of their work was done. If an author has subsequently moved, the current address may also be stated.

Manuscripts are subject to substantial editing for high priority. After acceptance, the Editor may make further changes. Contributors are sent proofs and are welcome to discuss proposed changes with the Editors, but CELLMED reserves the right to make the final decision about matters of style and the size of figures.

The Editors reserve the right to reject a paper even after it has been accepted if it becomes apparent that there are serious problems. 

If the revised paper is not submitted for a long time (more than 6 months) after the very last review, the paper is unable to be published in the CellMed journal. If author want to resubmit the corresponding paper for the publication process, author need to obtain a new manuscript serial number (manuscript ID, such as CellMed-21-XXX).



The submission of the manuscript by the authors means that the authors agree to assign Copyright Transfer Agreement to publish to CELLMED if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication.


Articles of association