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Aetiopathogenesis and clinical features of dysmenorrhoea (Usr-i-tamth) in traditional Unani medicine and contemporary era: A literary research

CELLMED / CELLMED, (P)3022-6805; (E)3022-6791
2016, v.6 no.1, pp.4-4
Arshiya Sultana (National Institute of Unani Medicine)
Asma Khan (National Institute of Unani Medicine)
Qhuddsia Quwat Nawaz (Govt. Nizamia Tibbi College)
Lamatunoor Syed (YunusFazlaniUnani Medical College)


Dysmenorrhoea is the most important under diagnosed and undertreated gynaecologic disorder of all menstrual complaints. It affects 50% women of childbearing age and has a major impact on health and societal costs worldwideespecially in developing countries. Therefore, a literary exploration of traditional sources for aetiopathogenesis and clinical features of usr-i-tamth (dysmenorrhoea) were reviewed to correlate with contemporary knowledge.The traditional Unani sources viz., Al Hawi fi’l Tibb (Continens Liber),Tarjuma Kamil al-Sana‘a al-Tibbiyya, Al-Qanun fi’l Tibb (Canon of Medicine), Dhakhira Khawarizam Shahi, Tibb-i-Akbar, Iksir-i-A‘zam, Kitab al-Kulliyyat, and Kulliyyat-i-Qanun were reviewed. Further, recent studies in the contemporary era were also browsed on the website. The causes of usre-i-tamth as per classical sources are distemperament, uterine diseases (atresia, inflammation, amenorrhoea, cancer, prolapse, ulcer, tenuous morbid matter, and cervical obstruction), psychological disturbances, environmental factors, menstrual irregularities, obesity and young age. Recent studies also prove that obesity, psychological disturbance, menstrual irregularities, environmental factors, uterine diseases and young age lead to dysmenorrhea.Unani classical sources are very much enriched with the informative knowledge related to menstruation and uterine pain/dysmenorrhoea and recent studies in contemporary proves the same. Hence, implementation of the traditional system of medicines in present-day era may play a vital role to restore health in a holistic way.

dysmenorrhoea, temperament, Unani medicines, Usr-i-tamth



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