- P-ISSN 1010-0695
- E-ISSN 2288-3339
Objective : We report an unusual case of 57-year old woman with spasticity following fever unknown origin, and and the origin of fever was not certain by western medical dignosis. Malignant hyperthemia with spasticity couldn`t be cured by general western medical therapy, and furthermore the function of liver and renal system was more worseed as a consequence of drug.Methods : We diagnosed watery state of patient as seupon(濕溫) with gyeonggwol(痙厥) through pattern identification(辨證) of symptom and sign. Results : This patient who had spasticity with malignant hyperthermia was treated by optical management of herb medicine and acupuncture, and should be needed long-term observation.Conclusions : So we want to show that trial by febrile diseases can solve fever and spasticity.
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