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A Standardization of the Standard Progressive Matrices Test for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People


The purpose of this study was to standardize the Standard Progressive Matrices Test for deaf and hard of hearing people in Korea. The booklet form of the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) was administered to 219 high school students (114 men, 105 women) with the hearing impaired. Among them, 52 volunteers were also tested with the Performance Scale of the KWIS. The mean of the SPM scores was 47.78 (SD=7.78). The estimate of the internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) was .89. The construct validity of the SPM was investigated by factor-analyzing the 5 set scores. A single factor that explained 62.08% of the variance was extracted from the 5 sets. A significant correlation was found between the SPM and the Performance Scale IQ, suggesting that the SPM is a valid measure of nonverbal intelligence. According to the item analysis based on the item response theory, it was found that the "item discrimination" parameter of the SPM was in the moderate range and the average "guessing" parameter was in the low range, although the "item difficulty" was very low. In sum, the present results indicate that the SPM is a reliable and valid measure of nonverbal intelligence for deaf and hard of hearing people in Korea.

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