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Development of the Sexuality Inventory for High School Students


The Specific information on sexual attitude, impulse, behavior, and knowledge is vital to develop and evaluate sex counseling and education on adolescents. Sexuality Inventory for high school students was developed based on preliminary version of Sexuality Inventory for Adolescents by Park and Chun(2001), and the reliability and validity were examined. Items were selected by item analysis on Sexual Knowledge Scale and factor analysis on Sexual Attitude, and Sexual Impulse Scale. Final set of items was selected through item analysis in which item difficulty and item-total correlation of the Sexual Knowledge Scale and factor structure of the Sexual Attitude and were examined on 465 high scool students. Reliability and validity of the final inventory were examined in the second analysis on 1,081 high school students. Internal consistency coefficients of scales ranged from .82 to .95 except for the sex knowledge scale and Internal consistency coefficients of all the subscales presented over .74. Factor analysis indicated 5 factors (liberalism, tolerance on deviant sexual behavior, acceptance of abortion, lack of prevention, positivity on masturbation) in Sexual Attitude Scale, 4 factors (sexual deviation impulse, masturbation anxiety, addictiveness, sexual behavior anxiety) in Sexual Impulse Scale. High Correlations between sexual behaviors and scores on related scales were obtained. There were significant differences between scores of each grade and between boys and girls in most scales.

adolescents, high school students, sexual attitude, sexual impluse, sexual knowledge, sexuality inventory, 청소년, 고등학생, 성심리검사, 성태도, 성충동성, 성지식
