open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
An attempt has been made to integrate Mindfulness meditation and CBT(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) with the Gestalt Therapy approach in the treatment of anxiety disorders. The discussion of Gestalt Therapy approach to anxiety disorders focused on the two concepts, which are unfinished business and contact boundary disturbances, which were then theorized with the Paradoxical theory of change and the field theory. The exploration about Mindfulness meditation revolved around the topic of the Four foundations of the Mindfulness, that are body, feeling, mind and dharma, where Awareness and non-attachment acceptance was explained. Also a brief introduction to Insight Dialogue Meditation was added to. A survey to CBT was done on the basis of Beck's concepts like negative automatic thoughts and dysfunctional beliefs along with symptom education, relaxation training and exposure methods. A comparison was made regarding commonalities and also differences among three methods. Finally, the author tried to establish a strategy to integrate the three on the basis of the Gestalt Therapy.