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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
Children of schizophrenic patients were tested for their ability to recognize facial expressions. Thirty-three facial expressions of actors and actresses were presented in photographs to 11 children of schizophrenic patients, 14 of patients with other psychiatric disorders and 13 of normal persons. The participants were given two tasks: Labeling task where they were asked to identify emotion appropriate for each face and rating task where they were asked to make rating on the dimensions of pleasure/displeasure and arousal expressed in the face. In the labeling task, 7 alternatives-6 emotions(happiness, surprise, fear, contempt, anger and sadness) and 'other'-were given. A 7 point likert scale was used in the rating task. The results were as follows. In the labeling task, children of schizophrenic patients showed less agreement than the other two groups. In the rating task, the three groups did not show significant differences in the overall mean rating of pleasure/displeasure or arousal. However, pleasure/displeasure ratings of the children of schizophrenic patients were more deviated from those of college students than the other two groups, particularly for face with positive or neutral emotions, suggesting that they are likely to distort the extent of pleasure/displeasure in facial expressions. Implications of these findings and methodological limitations were discussed.
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