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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the discriminative validity of the Enhanced Cued Recall Task(ECR) for early AD. The ECR induces semantic processing and coordinates encoding and retrieval for maximum recall by using the same category cues at learning and retrieval. Therefore the ECR reduces the influence of inefficient strategies or other cognitive process such as attention. There were 2 groups in this study: 21 early AD subjects; 21 geriatric depression subjects, who complained of memory decline, but, the results of comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation showed no impairment. The ECR, 3-word recall task of Korean Mini-Mental State Examination (K-MMSE), Korean Auditory Verbal Learning Test(K-AVLT) were administered. Discriminant analysis indicated that the overall percentage of correct classification was 100%. ECR total score, K-AVLT recognition, delayed recall scores were highly correlated with Function which discriminate early AD group from geriatric depression group. The ECR had a higher sensitivity and specificity than the 3-word recall task of K-MMSE and similar sensitivity and specificity to K-AVLT delayed recall and recognition. In conclusion, this study suggests that the ECR may be very useful for discriminating genuine memory impairment of early AD from memory complaints of geriatric depression.
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