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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study examines the inflated responsibility in obsessive-compulsive disorder. The concept of responsibility is divided into moral/causal responsibility and commission/omission. In study 1, the relationship between responsibility belief and OC subtypes are examined by using a newly developed responsibility belief questionnaire(RSQ). The results are as follows : ‘being contaminated’ factor is positively correlated with moral or causal responsibility, 'impaired control over mental activities', 'checking behaviors' and 'reactive obsession' are positively correlated with causal responsibility, and 'urges and worries about loss of control over motor behavior' and 'autogenous obsession' are negatively correlated with moral responsibility. And obsessionals, especially 'checking behaviors' and 'reactive obsession' types, are more sensitive to omission than commission. In study 2, the inflated responsibility appraisal in OCD is examined with a semi-idiographic measure(RQ). The result shows that the responsibility appraisal is inflated in ‘being contaminated’, 'impaired control over mental activities', 'checking behaviors' and 'reactive obsession' types, but not in 'urges and worries about loss of control over motor behavior' and 'autogenous obsession'. When regression analysis is conducted, the responsibility appraisal is best predicted by causal responsibility in omission. Implications for theory, measurement and research directions are explored.
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