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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was performed (A) to examine a difference between inmates's compared with normal subjects and (B) examine response tendency of criminals in terms of their gender, criminal frequency and criminal subtypes in NEO-Personality Inventory(NEO-PI-R). At first, MANOVA was done to the 372 inmates and 358 normal subjects. The results has it that the inmates show type combining low Neuroticism(N) with high agreeableness(A) compared with normal groups. And then, MANOVA analysis was done to the 1,138 inmates completed the NEO-PI-R. and it reveals that (a) the men inmates show high Extraversion(E) and Excitement-seeking(E5) with low Straightfowardness(A2) and Self-Discipline(C5) compared with the women inmates: (b) The serial offenders show high Neuroticism(N), Impulsiveness(N5) and Excitement-seeking(E5) with low Agreeableness(A) and Conscientiousness(C): and (c) there significant difference in Neuroticism(N), Agreeableness(A), Conscientiousness(C), Impulsiveness (N5), Vulnerability(N6), Excitement-seeking(E5), Compliance(A4), Order(C2), Dutifulness(C3), Achievement striving(C4) at the six criminal subtypes.
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