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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was designed to examine factor structures of the Schizophrenia Quality of life Scale(SQLS), and the influences of family support, stress coping strategies, symptoms on the quality of life. 222 chronic schizophrenic patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, of more than 2 years and who resided in a mental hospital, rehabilitation centers, mental sanatoria were examined with SQLS. Following analysis, three factors(positive self- perception, uncomfortableness, and emotional unstableness) were extracted from SQLS. There were no significant differences among the groups. The person chronic schizophrenic patient trusted, asked for help and wanted to talk to most was identified as the mother among family members. The chronic schizophrenic patient's quality of life score was best explained by the order of stress coping strategy, symptoms, and family support. In other words, it was reported that their quality of life was higher when they took more coping strategies, when they had less serious psychotic symptoms, and when they could have more family support. In conclusion, suggestions and limitations of this study, and directions of future study were discussed.
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