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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
In order to test the validity of memory & aging theory-Capacity Decline Theory, Selective Decline Theory, Compensatory Interaction Theory- the author examined memory function between age grade groups by Korean version of Memory Assessment Scales(K-MAS). The total number of subjects were 428, 20's 70, 30's 68. 40's 94, 50's 92. 60's 50, 70's 40, 80's 14. On the cross-sectional study, as the age increased, Memory Quotient(MQ) decreased consistently. In comparison with the performance of 20's, 15 MQ was decreased in 40's, 10 MQ was decreased in 60's again, and finally, 10 MQ was decreased in 80's again. And those differences appeared in some sub tests, not in all sub tests. But in that case of matching education level, another result showed. That is, [10 years and more education] elderly group did not show significant differences than the same education level of 40's and 50' group, and also, showed better performance than [9 years and less education] 40's group. Especially, [13 years and more education] elderly group even did not show significant differences than [9 years and less] 20-30' group, and moreover, did not show differences than [12 years education] 20-30's group in verbal memory scale. Although all three theories were proved validatory, this result lays emphasis on that Compensatory-interaction theory was validated empirically, thus it is anticipated that ‘high reserve’ old adult would not show memory dysfunction as regarded generally. Finally, explanations for various memory dysfunctioncauses in old adults, that can not counterbalanced by mental faculties, were presented, and the importance of consistent intellectual stimulation was stressed.
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