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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was designed to describe the psychometric propreties of the ATQ-N and the ATQ-P in adolescents. The ATQ-N and the ATQ-P are self-report measures widely used for assessment of the negative and positive automatic thougts. 440 middle and high school students from the 7th to the 11th grade completed CDI, RCMAS, NASSQ and K-CATS. 154 adolescent psychiatric patients(74 of depressive disorders, 19 of anxiety disorders, and 64 of attention-deficit and disruptive behavior disorders) did the same scales. The internal consistency of both the ATQ-N and the ATQ-P was high and test-retest reliability was acceptable. The result of factor analysis showed that the ATQ-N and the ATQ-P respectively consisted of three factors similar to previous studies. The ATQ-N was positively correlated with RCMAS, CDI and the other scales about negative automatic thoughts, but the ATQ-P was quite the opposite. The result of analysis of variance showed that the ATQ-N effectively discriminated depressive and anxiety disorders from attention-deficit and disruptive behavior disorders and normal control group. Similarly ATQ-P effectively discriminated depressive disorders from attention-deficit and disruptive behavior disorders and normal control group. However there was no significant difference between anxiety disorders and the other groups. Finally the implication of the result, the limitation of this study and future research directions were discussed.
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