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This study was performed to develop a Self-Presentational Expectancy Scale for Peer Interaction(SPES-PI) with 4th through 9th grades and to confirm its reliability and validity. SPES-PI was comprised of expectancy of self-presentational ability and expectancy of self- presentational outcome. The data of preliminary 20 items assessing expectancy of self-presentational ability and preliminary 15 items assessing expectancy of self-presentational outcome were collected from previous researches. Participants were 397 students in 4th through 6th grades and 402 students in 7th through 9th grades. The results of factor analysis indicated that SPES-PI was composed of 3 factors: Expectancy of self-presentational outcome, Expectancy of self-presentational ability-opposite sex situations, Expectancy of self-presentational ability-same sex/group situations. The internal consistency of SPES-PI was found to be reliable and convergent validity was established through correlational analysis with related scales. Implications and limitations of this study were discussed.
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