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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study examined memory disturbance and executive dysfunction controlled by general intelligence in patients with traumatic brain injury(TBI). TBI patients were divided into two group according to duration of LOC in trauma and neuroimaging finding: mild traumatic brain injury(MTBI), moderate to severe traumatic brain injury(MSTBI). Rey-Kim memory test, Kims executive function test, & trail making test were administered. And then the following results could be obtained. First, there were significant difference between MSTBI and normal control in general intelligence, verbal learning, verbal long term memory, visual spatial memory, inhibition, shifting, & verbal fluency. There were significant difference between MSTBI and MTBI in general intelligence, verbal learning, long term memory. Second, there were significant difference between MTBI and control in verbal learning, visual spatial memory, shifting, and cognitive inhibition. Third, Multiple discriminated analysis between MSTBI and control demonstrated 92% of diagnosis precision rate in MQ, EIQ and IQ. Multiple discriminated analysis between MTBI and MSTBI demonstrated 96% of diagnosis precision rate, between MTBI and control demonstrated 78% of diagnosis precision rate. Finally, clinical implication and limitation of this study were discussed.
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