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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was intended to find the characteristics relating to alcohol addictive process of female alcoholics. Ten female alcoholics were interviewed in semi-structured way and Consensual Qualitative Research method was used to analyse interview data. The results are as followings : First, most female alcoholics had one or more family members who died from problem drinking or were problem drinkers. Most of their siblings were problem drinkers or social drinkers as well. Second, It was revealed that most female alcoholics experienced alcohol drinking for the first time in their adulthood. Third, as for drinking pattern, female alcoholics inclined to drink alone without their family knowing their drinking life from the first phase to the middle phase of alcohol addictive process. Eventually, their drinking problem was known to their family in the last phase of alcohol addictive process. Forth, It was revealed that main drinking motivation of female alcoholics was to alleviate negative affection from the first phase to middle phase of alcohol addictive process. Life problems causing negative affect to female alcoholics were summarized as relationship problems, stressful life events, intrapsychic problems. Psychological motivation for drinking alcohol were found out as distraction, self-soothing, self-grandiose. In last phase of alcohol addictive process, psychological and physical dependence were found to be drinking motivation in all female alcoholics and accordingly, female alcoholics were self-criticizing and self-abandonment due to drinking alcohol with losing self-control over drinking. As a result, suicidal attempts were reported in 3 cases. Implication and Limitations of this study were discussed.
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